- If Hong Kong is "The Big Apple of Asia" then Macau is "The Sin City of Asia"
- We gambled at The Venetian (the largest single structure in Asia and the 4th-largest building in the world)
- Went to see Cirque Du Soleil - Zaia
- And wandered through the old Portuguese city's churches, fortress, and cemetery.
- Overall - I enjoyed seeing the old city much more than the casinos... it's impressive but nothing can compare to the lights on the Las Vegas Strip
the largest casino floor in the world - 550,000 sq ft... 3400 slots & 800 tables
Chris won a little cash... I lost a little...
the mall looks EXACTLY the same as the Venetian in Vegas
the old city...
...well, mostly old.
um... gross. Dried gooey slabs of meat
Nothing was worse than our hotel. NEVER go to the patched up, sheet stained, overpriced Hotel Central...
it may have a good location but it is not worth it.
omg! they call it a hotel?haha looks like a joke))