- 1 roundtrip flight on Cebu Airlines from HK to Cebu... bought 2 days in advance - $150 US dollars
- 1 two hour ferry ride from Cebu to Tagbilaran City, Bohol - 10 US Dollar
- 1 Taxi ride from Tagbilaran City to Alona Beach on Panglao Island - $3 US Dollar
- 3 nights on the beach... in a bamboo hut (Peter's House) - $15 US Dollars
- 1 delicious Philippine Beer (my favorite was San Miguel) - $.80 US cents
- An early morning sunrise on a boat to see dolphins - $5 US Dollars
- Seeing the Chocolate Hills - $1 US dollar
- Petting the Tarsier Monkey - $0 US dollars
- Full-day boat ride to Balicasag Island and Virgin Island for snorkel and remote beach - $7 US Dollars
- perfectly white sand
- drinking cheep rum with locals and a LA native / Scuba Diving Instructor who has come to escape materialistic America
- smiling fisherman
- thriving coral reefs
- the laid back Philippine mindset
- getting stung by a jellyfish... and learning the remedy is vinegar
- panicking from finding a spider bigger than my hand in our room
- changing out entire trip plans because of some advice we got from drunk Aussies in a bar our first night
- meeting two Canadian travel partners, Jodi and Kaylynn, in the wrong customs line at the airport
- ... Priceless
- (and yes, i know it's cheesy to recreate a MasterCard ad... but it just worked so well for this)
People here smile more than anywhere else in the world
Chris went scuba diving twice... I must get certified...
View from my $5 per/night window... amazing
View from the water in front of our hotel
They Catch, You Choose, They Grill, You Eat... all in a within a few hours. Amazing
5:30am Dolphin "Hunt"
Tarsier Monkeys
Chocolate Hills
Weather can change within one hour here...
Best mango ever. (I had someone else peel - I wouldn't go near that thing after my allergic reaction mishap...)
...but i did eat Mango Shakes & Pancakes. Yum.
There are a variety of transportation methods in The Philippines...
1 US dollar = 47 Philippine Pissos.... This bottle of rum costs 60 Pissos.... think about it.
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